Monday, December 03, 2007

नवीन बकरे आहेत...त्यांना पाठ्वा गावखेड़यात..

That is what the Maharashtra government thinks about the new medical graduates. Easy pickings for postings to remote locations. It is a not a fair idea as there is no point for new graduates to be sitting around doing nothing and having no learning opportunities at these postings. Typically these are unstaffed outposts and the students are mostly private college students that have shelled out gazillions and have social/professional/education plans in the works. A lot of them are from out of state.

If this rule is enforced, it just means the guys handing out the future "No Objection Certificates" will become quite rich and content. Rather than forcing all to serve in rural areas, how about allowing a choice for medical students and subsidizing their education for guaranteed service for a few years in rural areas?

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